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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Mon Apr 15, 2013 11:54 pm

* Character Name:
Answer: My nickname will be BeMyGuest, Joker or something else, I didn't think about it yet.

* IRL Name:
Answer: My real name is Łukasz (it's the same as Lucas or simplier - Luka :))

* Class/Level (sub/nobl):
Answer: That question is little wrong, let me change it - what classes can I play on L2Nostalgia? To be honest I prefer daggers (especially AW or PW) and archers (HE or PR). I can play Tyrant, Gladiator and nukers too. Moreover, BD, EE and Warlock would be nice option too :)

* Why did you choose this class?:
Answer: Why did I choose daggers and archers as my favourite classes? The reason is simply. I prefer light armor users, who are quickly and deadly. Dagger is more interesting in PvP than archer but archer has easier farming/safer PvP. Dagger needs some skill and experience, archer is kinda easy class. But I still love both of them :)

* Equipment:
Answer: I don't have equipment so far, it depends on what class I will be playing of course.

* Alternative characters:
Answer: I was thinking about PP or WC on box but I hope that will be not necessary. I want to play in a team, not solo!

* Previous Clans, Servers:
Answer: At the beginning of my L2 'career" I was playing on several private servers (for example long time on EPI, few weeks on Azure, almost year on RPG-Club x5). Then I was playing about 1 year or more on RUOFF Lancer and Van Holter. After my russian adventure I had a break from L2. I found out that I can't stand long without L2. I decided to move on EUOFF (Goddes of Destruction chronicle) but I gave it up quickly because GoD sucks so hard. Aria x1 from lineage.ru was my last server. The problem was I had no company there so I quitted after more than 2 months of soloing -.-.
About previous clans: to be honest I had only two serious and solid clans during my playtime, both on RUOFF Lancer server. I mean two and only polish clans on this server - LastResort and OutCasters. I have never been in some 'factor' clans because I can't and I don't want to play 24h/24h, 7 days in week. And I don't think L2 is worth it :)

* Time zone - country:
Answer: I'm from Poland, my timezone is GMT +1.

* Age:
Answer: I'm 22 years old.

* Male/Female:
Answer: I'm 100% male.

* Skype:
Answer: Yes, I have skype and I use it very often.

* How many hours can you play per day (weekdays/weekend):
Answer: I think I can play 4-5 hours, sometimes more per weekday, same per weekend days.

* Are you able to use TS/Vent, if so how often can you be on it?:
Answer: If only I'm in game I can be on TS/Vent too, it's no problem for me.

* PC Specification (Processor/Ram/Video card):
Answer: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7600 @ 3GHz, 4GB RAM 667MHz, AMD Radeon HD 5x series with 512MB or 1GB memory. To sum up - my PC can handle mass PvPs quite easily :)

* Do you know anyone in the clan? Who?:
Answer: I don't know anyone from the clan, I'm new here.

* What experience do you have on Raids/Sieges?:
Answer: I love raids! Sieges aren't my favourite part of the game but I know what to do and have not bad positioning.

* Any fraps made by you or includes you?(Name yourself on it):
Answer: I don't have any fraps :(

* What role do you usually play? (Support, Damage Dealer, Tank):
Answer: I usually play damage dealers, sometimes support.

* Why do you want to join us?:
Answer: Because you have clearly and decent rules, you demand nice applications, with proper language - that shows you are self-respectful. You prefer teamplaying than solo grinding - that's very important for me because I hate playing solo :)

*Why should we choose you? What makes you special?:
Answer: I'm loyal, hard working for clan and kinda nice person, you can't hate me! :D

*Are you looking for a Clan just for the "ride" on the current server or would you like to join and be a part of the community?
Answer: Sure I want to join you and become a part of community, without that there's no chance for good clan.

* Lets say you have a friend on enemy side. Your friend PKs 1 of your clan mates that is currently in your party. Your actions:
Answer: I would kill the PKer! Red colour is something what makes me soo mad :) Seriously: I would kill him because I would like to laugh at him on skype later or (if it would be my friend from real life) next day in school/work etc. :D

* Extra information, that might be usefull:
Answer: I like cookies and my parrot likes meat. I hate high pings in games, it makes me cry all nights and days. I don't like to waste time when I'm in game.

Last edited by BeMyGuest on Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:06 am; edited 3 times in total


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-15
Age : 33
Location : Poland

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Agito Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:35 am

Would be cool to get a more specific class choice. You just basically said "I'll play anything". lols

We can't choose the class for you, I know its hard to decide when you cant see our roster but pick something and then we might be able to give you guidance. :)

Posts : 705
Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 34

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:56 am

So maybe you can tell me what classes you need actually to ur CPs? :) Or what types (melee, mage or archer) of parties you want to create on this server?
This can help me to decide. And if I won't find any interesting class in that, what you presented, I'll choose it on my own.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-15
Age : 33
Location : Poland

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by LastHope Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:21 am

So far so good.

Please fill in the rest of the questions and update your main post with the missing ones. Thanks in advanace.

Last edited by LastHope on Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 339
Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 32
Location : Germany

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Tue Apr 16, 2013 1:55 am

sic! My copy+paste combo didn't work properly, my bad :p Now the information about me is complete.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-15
Age : 33
Location : Poland

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by LastHope Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:23 am

Application looks good.

Looks like an experienced player for what I can tell, according to the info he's given. Speaks proper english aswell, up to play several classes which we might need.

For now I'll go with a positive vote.

Do you happen to have DotA 2 maybe? Few of us playing, could hang a lilttle n get to know you I guess.

Posts : 339
Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 32
Location : Germany

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Tue Apr 16, 2013 3:35 am

LastHope wrote:Application looks good.

Looks like an experienced player for what I can tell, according to the info he's given. Speaks proper english aswell, up to play several classes which we might need.

For now I'll go with a positive vote.

Do you happen to have DotA 2 maybe? Few of us playing, could hang a lilttle n get to know you I guess.

I don't have DotA 2 but I have LoL :) I was playing DotA 2 for a short time but it's worse than LoL in my opinion. On the other hand, LoL bored me as hell. Now it's L2 time again! But I'm afraid of high ping (150-160) which can make my playtime on this server little difficult. I told Dradden on IRC to make some proxy servers, to allow people like me to connect and play without lags and high latency. He said that he will consider that. Proxy servers is great thing, for example on russian Aria x1 I would have ping ~130 without proxy server. With proxy server I had like 70-80 ping. WORTH IT.


Posts : 147
Join date : 2013-04-15
Age : 33
Location : Poland

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Agito Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:16 am

How about a blade dancer for our mage party then? This doesn't have to be a final decision though. We want to make sure that everyone plays what they want to play and don't get bored after a week.

Posts : 705
Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 34

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Only Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:18 am

Nice application, +1 from me :)
You play LoL on east? :)

Posts : 80
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Location : Slovakia

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:37 am

Agito wrote:How about a blade dancer for our mage party then? This doesn't have to be a final decision though. We want to make sure that everyone plays what they want to play and don't get bored after a week.

I was playing as BD in mage pt (kinda strong pt) on RUOFF Lancer server, it was ultra boring like: redance, redance, redance and sometimes aggro. Despite boredom (I can be resistant anyway) there will be easy exping with mages, fast lvling and funny pvp with agroing ppl who want to kill nukers :) In addition, with ur high activity boredom can be less noticeable. To sum up: if there will be no other choice for me I will consider being BD in ur mage pt :)

Only wrote:Nice application, +1 from me :)
You play LoL on east? :)

Nope, I have account on West server.


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Age : 33
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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Agito Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:40 am

How would you feel about dominator for the mage party then? lol

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Age : 34

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Bullet Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:45 am

Just judging by app alone I can say, that you stand out of crowd of polish peple I've met both IRL and on the net and I assume you know how to take a joke.
With that being said, Your class choice is not ideal at this point, but the fact alone, that you are willing to go for a compromise, goes a long way.
I the near future I'll whoop a list of potentially wanted classes and we will go from there.
+1 so far

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Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 34
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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Tue Apr 16, 2013 7:41 am

Agito wrote:How would you feel about dominator for the mage party then? lol

Dominator is better option than BD in mage pt of course :) OL is way more interesting class than BD, has cool curses, nice buffs and can do much more in PvP than BD. The problem is I never played OL before in serious way and that character should be very active person since he can buff whole clan. In the end, OL > BD but I'm waiting for more offers :D

Bullet wrote:Just judging by app alone I can say, that you stand out of crowd of polish peple I've met both IRL and on the net and I assume you know how to take a joke.
With that being said, Your class choice is not ideal at this point, but the fact alone, that you are willing to go for a compromise, goes a long way.

Thanks for that compliment. In fact, I'm little different than stereotype of polish man.

Bullet wrote:I the near future I'll whoop a list of potentially wanted classes and we will go from there.
+1 so far

That is an idea I wanted to hear here :) That will be the best solution for my hesitation. I hope we'll depolarize.


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Join date : 2013-04-15
Age : 33
Location : Poland

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by DrunkPerson Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:36 am

Fucking like this guy.

Posts : 221
Join date : 2009-06-14
Age : 33

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:27 am

According to list of available classes to play from: https://hellspawn.forumotion.com/t142-recruitment-is-open, I can play one of these:

1. BD and SWS (rather in melee pt than in mage pt but it's not an obligation)
2. WarCryer (in melee pt - I can't imagine WC in mage pt :D)
3. EE but I don't know if I'm good healer - I have never played that char in any CP.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Classes above doesn't need nice, low latency to work and fight well. Since I don't know if my ping will be 150-160 (in my opinion it's little bad ping) or less, I can't say if I will be able to play as any of DD, listed in suitable topic. But if I would have nice ping or my 150-160 ping wouldn't disturb my playing (especially smooth exping, changing targets etc.) I would like to play as archer, dagger or tyrant if it's possible.

So, the best choice for me is to play as some support character, if that is what clan needs actually :)

Last edited by BeMyGuest on Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:52 am; edited 1 time in total


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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Bullet Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:53 am

Yes, you would most likely hang out with melees or archers as a BD/SWS/Wc

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Wed Apr 17, 2013 9:06 am

I just prefer melee/archer parties than mage ones. Mage party is good and interesting for nukers, but BD/SWS should be very patient and strong-willed to keep playing in mage pt for long time :D (checked out!)
So I hope that I will find some place in melee/archer pt :)


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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by Bullet Thu Apr 18, 2013 10:34 am

I feel like I can trust you and I want to, so I will grant you the access to the most of our forums and prehaps it will make more sense to you as to where we are going, but we shall still have to see where your loyalty lies, before you become a full member. :)
Lets hope I am not wrong.

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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

Post by BeMyGuest Thu Apr 18, 2013 8:02 pm

Bullet wrote:I feel like I can trust you and I want to, so I will grant you the access to the most of our forums and prehaps it will make more sense to you as to where we are going, but we shall still have to see where your loyalty lies, before you become a full member. :)
Lets hope I am not wrong.

Thank you, I appreciate it and I won't let you down!


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Age : 33
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BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia) Empty Re: BeMyGuest application (L2Nostalgia)

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