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Cray - Bladedancer
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HellSpawn :: Lineage II :: Recruits
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Cray - Bladedancer
- Spoiler:
* Character Name/Class/Level (Subs/Noble if applicable):
Answer: Cray - BD
* Why did you choose this class?:
Answer: Played it the most, and talking you guys I guess it the most needed :) Im happy going any support.
* Time zone(GMT)/Country/Age/Gender:
Answer: GMT +1, Sweden, 33, Male
* Any memorable Clans/Server you were apart of in the past. (Brief):
Answer: Servers: Azurenetwork ones, mostly Nanaki. Forgot names of others. Clan: Apocalypse, Stealth, ShadowCouncil.
* Approximate, how many hours can you play per day/week (weekdays/weekends):
Answer: I have work so mostly nights, evenings couple of hours. No specific days, all I guess :)
* Are you able to use Voice Comm (Currently: Discord), if so can you be on it every time you are in game? Do you get involved or you like to just listen?:
Answer: I use Discord alot, I have no problem being in vc when I play. To be honest its more fun to talk while farming then doing it solo. L2 isnt a solo game :)
* Do you know anyone in the clan, who can vouch for you?:
Answer: Not really, but talked with a few. LastHope charmed me.
* Do you have any experience Leading PvP/PvE parties?:
Answer: In Apocalypse which played on Celes I was co-CL. In Stealth and SC I played OL and was a part of the council there. So I do have knowledge about leading and talking/commanding during sieges.
* Any fraps or screens made by you or includes you?(Name yourself on it):
Answer: Been such a long time since I played lasttime so sorry I do not. But my nicknames around the servers have been GiB, HeroN, Ikeabuffer.
* Why do you want to join us?:
Answer: I want a clan thats chilled out and play together, alot of clans are cp based and there is no real communtiy feeling around them. This clan from the little Ive interacted with you seems like a nice, welcoming place :)
* Lets say you have a friend on enemy side. Your friend PKs 1 of your clan mates that is currently in your party. Your actions:
Answer: Depends on what the Party leader decides, if I was the one to decide I would PK back ofcourse.
* Extra information, that might be useful:
Answer: Im willing to change class based on what the clan needs, Im also willing to share my account, so people can dualbox it in my absence. Im thinking rather have an active support that also shares the account then several boxes.
Cray- Posts : 1
Join date : 2021-04-25
Age : 36
Location : Sweden
Re: Cray - Bladedancer
Well, you've already been pushed through to half-baked side, so I guess welcome? :D +1
Agito- Mod
- Posts : 705
Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 34
Re: Cray - Bladedancer
Can you name your character Ikeabuffer, instead of Cray again? :p
DrunkPerson- Posts : 221
Join date : 2009-06-14
Age : 33
HellSpawn :: Lineage II :: Recruits
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