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Guide and Application Layout - READ THIS BEFORE POSTING
HellSpawn :: Lineage II :: Recruits
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Guide and Application Layout - READ THIS BEFORE POSTING
Before making an application register a forum account!
Phase 1 (App/General Rules/Guidelines)
Make sure u read the following BEFORE making application:
-There might be ups and downs, good and bad times, YOU must be ready for anything.
-Be honest with your answers, any kind of misleading information or attempt at manipulation will lead to dismissal.
-Real life > L2.
-18+ or prove to be mature enough.
-Have fun and enjoy the game.
-Respect your team/clan mates as well as your enemies.
-Know how to take a joke or prepare your anus. :)
First of all you'll have to make a new thread with your in game name and your prefered/current class as title. Copy/Paste entire application form code, that you see just below and fill it like in the example just below:
Preview your post before sending it, make sure everything is correct. Check the examples BELOW.
Phase 2 (In Game/VoiceComm)
Read this AFTER you have filled the application and successfully got accepted. You will have 2 weeks of trial period. In that time our most active members will observe you. This means we will look at your:
Activity in game. Not your online time, but what use do you make of it.
How helpful are you. Are you a team player? etc
How often are you on Voicecomm. Even if you are there just to listen.
How do you get along with your teammates and your engagement in clan related activities. Social aspect.
If you pass everything above you will become a full member and most likely will stick with us for a long, long time. Good luck!
Phase 1 (App/General Rules/Guidelines)
Make sure u read the following BEFORE making application:
-There might be ups and downs, good and bad times, YOU must be ready for anything.
-Be honest with your answers, any kind of misleading information or attempt at manipulation will lead to dismissal.
-Real life > L2.
-18+ or prove to be mature enough.
-Have fun and enjoy the game.
-Respect your team/clan mates as well as your enemies.
-Know how to take a joke or prepare your anus. :)
First of all you'll have to make a new thread with your in game name and your prefered/current class as title. Copy/Paste entire application form code, that you see just below and fill it like in the example just below:
- Code:
[color=red]* Age? :[/color]
Preview your post before sending it, make sure everything is correct. Check the examples BELOW.
- Form:
- Spoiler:
- Code:
[color=red]* Character Name/Class/Level (Subs/Noble if applicable):[/color]
[color=red]* Why did you choose this class?:[/color]
[color=red]* Time zone(GMT)/Country/Age/Gender:[/color]
[color=red]* Any memorable Clans/Server you were apart of in the past. (Brief):[/color]
[color=red]* Approximate, how many hours can you play per day/week (weekdays/weekends):[/color]
[color=red]* Are you able to use Voice Comm (Currently: Discord), if so can you be on it every time you are in game? Do you get involved or you like to just listen?:[/color]
[color=red]* Do you know anyone in the clan, who can vouch for you?:[/color]
[color=red]* Do you have any experience Leading PvP/PvE parties?:[/color]
[color=red]* Any fraps or screens made by you or includes you?(Name yourself on it):[/color]
[color=red]* Why do you want to join us?:[/color]
[color=red]* Lets say you have a friend on enemy side. Your friend PKs 1 of your clan mates that is currently in your party. Your actions:[/color]
[color=red]* Extra information, that might be useful:[/color]
Phase 2 (In Game/VoiceComm)
Read this AFTER you have filled the application and successfully got accepted. You will have 2 weeks of trial period. In that time our most active members will observe you. This means we will look at your:
Activity in game. Not your online time, but what use do you make of it.
How helpful are you. Are you a team player? etc
How often are you on Voicecomm. Even if you are there just to listen.
How do you get along with your teammates and your engagement in clan related activities. Social aspect.
If you pass everything above you will become a full member and most likely will stick with us for a long, long time. Good luck!
Last edited by Bullet on Fri Apr 23, 2021 9:52 pm; edited 23 times in total
EXAMPLE #1: Good Application
- Spoiler:
- * Character Name:
Answer: BarneyStinson
* IRL Name:
Answer: Mickael
* Class/Level (sub/nobl):
Answer: DA and planning to make destro (to rush nobl+ can delete it later for other sub for clan) / sws (for clan) / HE or PR for sieges
* Why did you choose this class?:
Answer: I play this class since 3 years or so, Have a lot of experience with it and played it on quite a lot of serv (Celes, RPG-club, Naia, and other)
* Equipment:
Answer: -
* Alternative characters:
Answer: Probably a WC as dualbox
* Previous Clans, Servers:
Nanaki: French clan was ally to Hellspawn (dunno if it's the same Hellspawn as this clan :p)
Reloaded x15: AnimalCruelty
Celes : Teamzone, jghphhf
RPG Club x30: ViciousCircle, NoFear
Naia: FieryRage
* Time zone - country:
Answer: FRANCE GMT +2
* Age:
Answer: 21 soon 22
* Male/Female:
Answer: Male
* Skype:
Answer: Yes, but I'm not a great fan of those kind of communication (I can understand easily but I hate speak cause of my accent), Plus I'm not a leader, I'm more a soldier. You give me orders, I'll do it (maybe discuss about it later if I don't agree). But I always listen to leaders.
* How many hours can you play per day (weekdays/weekend):
Answer: I'm in vacation so I'm free all day/night long, I can give you phone number for epics or other stuff if needed
* Are you able to use TS/Vent, if so how often can you be on it?:
Answer: I'll be on it at every events I need to be on. Like I said earlier I won't talk a lot but I'm able to listen well. I love listen music during farm, so I'll be more active on L2 chat than TS :p
* PC Specification (Processor/Ram/Video card):
Answer: Dunno about processor, 2Gb RAM, and old video card. But I can handle mass pvp easily and even can turn fraps (I'm planning to make some vidz if I have some contents :p)
* Do you know anyone in the clan? Who?:
Answer: No, I'm just wondering if this clan is the same that I met on Nanaki
* What experience do you have on Raids/Sieges?:
Answer: I made allready all Bosses, and made a lot of sieges so I'm quite experienced player and I always listen orders (I'm able to lead a siege pt, rb pt or quite party on sieges)
* Any fraps made by you or includes you?(Name yourself on it):
Answer: No :s
* What role do you usually play? (Support, Damage Dealer, Tank):
Answer: Tank, sometimes dagger and archer for sieges always
* Why do you want to join us?:
Answer: I saw your presentation on L2Max forum and was wondering if you were the same good and well organised clan I met on Nanaki
*Why should we choose you? What makes you special?:
Answer: I have nothing more than other experienced player, I can say that I'm good as DA, not the best, not the worst. I know my role and I'm able to take the right decision in all situations (raids/boss/ small scale pvp/ mass pvp , etc...)
* Lets say you have a friend on enemy side. Your friend PKs 1 of your clan mates that is currently in your party. Your actions:
Answer: Kill him!! Come on it's just a game :D
* Extra information, that might be usefull:
Answer: I'm dedicated to clan. I'm not an individual player. I'm active and always up to help clan mates. I would rather getting a party with clan mates with less xp than soloing or partying with randoms .
I can answer to all your questions, so don't be shy and ask me what you want.
I only have one question for clan, What are your ambitions for clan and server? :)
Last edited by Bullet on Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:23 am; edited 2 times in total
EXAMPLE #2: Good Application
- Spoiler:
- * Character Name:
Answer: Zoeynix
* IRL Name:
Answer: Gabriela
* Class/Level (sub/nobl):
Answer: Warlock (I'm going to make EE and Sws, I have played these classes for a long time/Will be as fast as possible)
* Why did you choose this class?:
Answer: It's hard to describe why I chose warlock but I like summoner's classes and "kittah" I used to play it since c4. I could make EE or Sws as main but I don't like to play elves because I had played with it for 4 years so I sub it all the time.
P.s. I like every support class but EE is the most favourite. I love recharging or helping with healing.
* Equipment:
Answer: Karmian atm but since server is openned 3 days I gotta work on better eq's .
* Alternative characters:
Answer: Warsmith, Prophet, Bounty Hunter
* Previous Clans, Servers:
Answer: L2max since c4 - I was in GoldenLegion, DarkNinjas, TheEnd, GoldenLegion, Hellspawn (led by Kazuya), ForsakenRealm
I'm in another clan at this moment, I wanted to help to friends but how I see it's going to despair, I don't like people who cries about game and makes l2drama in every sentence they say. It was a big mistake joining in.
I know it may give me -1 or even -100. However, everybody makes mistakes.
* Time zone - country:
Answer: Gmt+1 - Czech Republic
* Age:
Answer: 17 y.o.
* Male/Female:
Answer: Female
* Skype:
Answer: zoopalila94
* How many hours can you play per day (weekdays/weekend):
Answer: I have holidays so I play as much as I can. These 3 days I wasted whole time in game. In the time I gonna play 6-12h per day though it depends on weather, friends, boyfriend.. etc but I'm always online on sieges and epic rbs.
* Are you able to use TS/Vent, if so how often can you be on it?:
Answer: Of course. I'm always there when is needed. Unfortunately, I'm only listener, I'm a bit shy but time to time I may speak.
* PC Specification (Processor/Ram/Video card):
Answer: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 M 1.79GHz / 3,48GB RAM / Intel(R) 965GM/910GML Express Chipset Family
I have one more notebook and it's more powerful, that means I can play on it while sieges.
* Do you know anyone in the clan? Who?:
Answer: Sutko, Serendipity and actually Agito and Valentines from IRC ;) I know some more but I have no idea about their joining on max again.
* What experience do you have on Raids/Sieges?:
Answer: I was raiding every raid boss 75+, epic included/I have been to loads of them.
* Any fraps made by you or includes you?(Name yourself on it):
Answer: Not really, I'm not so good at computers.
* What role do you usually play? (Support, Damage Dealer, Tank):
Answer: Support, support and support again. I tanked rb's with sws but that's all and I can be dmg dealer but I don't like that so much as supporting.
* Why do you want to join us?:
Answer: Because HS is awesome clan as deep as I know. I'm fed up of clans where everybody just cry and they can't do a sh*t alone. I want play with experienced players and enjoy any entertaiment that L2 gives.
*Why should we choose you? What makes you special?:
Answer: I'm not special but I like fun, playing l2 and I'm up for any kind of l2drama (I don't make them). By the way I'm up for helping to another people who need something.
* Lets say you have a friend on enemy side. Your friend PKs 1 of your clan mates that is currently in your party. Your actions:
Answer: Come on! It's just a game. I will kill him/her (and laugh at him/her. :D) I'm nice person so I don't kill another as maniac but I kill enemies, pks, ksers and people who hit me as first.
* Extra information, that might be usefull:
Answer: Thank you for reading and thinking out about my request.
Love and peace :oops:
Last edited by Bullet on Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total
EXAMPLE #3: Bad Application
- Spoiler:
- Character Name:
* IRL Name:
Hulubei Emilian
* Class/Level (sub/nobl):
Ghost hunter 77 / Bishop 72/ nobl not yet
* Why did you choose this class?:
Because , I played a lot of times GH and practicaly is my main.
* Equipment:
Nightmare light ,Dagger B grade , TT neck earrings B ,rings B.
* Alternative characters:
I have a swm lvl 76
* Previous Clans, Servers:
WarriorEmpire / L2MAX
* Time zone - country:
Romania GMT +2
* Age:
* Male/Female:
* Skype:
* How many hours can you play per day (weekdays/weekend):
Hmm... about 8-12 hours.
* Are you able to use TS/Vent, if so how often can you be on it?:
I can use it. This is not a problem.
* PC Specification (Processor/Ram/Video card):
AMD Semphron 140 Processor 2 GB RAM Geforce
* Do you know anyone in the clan? Who?:
* What experience do you have on Raids/Sieges?:
I know a lot about raids and sieges.
* What role do usually play? (Support, Damage Dealer, Tank):
* Why do you want to join us?:
I want to play with good players.
*Why should we choose you? What makes you special?:
I think I am good player. I will help you..
* Lets say you have a friend on enemy side. Your friend PKs 1 of your clan mates that is currently in your party. Your actions:
If 1 friend from enemy side kill my clan mates, I will kill him. First is clan mates and then friends.
* Extra information, that might be usefull:I am pro :)
Last edited by Bullet on Fri Apr 26, 2013 8:24 am; edited 1 time in total
EXAMPLE #4: Bad Application
- Spoiler:
- * s1lentt:
* bboy s1lent:
* hawkeyethesuperfly-65:
* rape face:
* C/B:
* striderlevelingtank:
* open beta retail Erica (i'm old school son!) Zabs/M&M in war with puppy rawr if anyone knows Erica history. had the first and highest lvl PhS. I shut down dark elf village people started calling ncsoft asking for a refund do to the fact they couldn't leave town. (at that time the phs summon was close to unstoppable) left retail started helping a friend with his server (M & M server Krashnburnz owner) did that for 2+ years server had over 3+k pop. did editing dev work then dropped it all and got a life for a bit. now i'm back for a year:
* canada eh.:
* 20 old fuck:
* male:
* YES:
* right now 24/7...after i stop being a hobo 3hrs a day.:
* live on that shit:
* Cys 2 ant got shit on me :
* none:
* all, I've done everything in this damn game:
* fap daily:
* all:
* you dont zerg. and you promote a stand alone crazyness:
*umm i can spin on my head:
* fuck friends:
* fap daily:
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